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[Prayer] on Education Week, by Rabbi Norman M. Goldburg (24 April 1933)


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Heavenly Father,
Thou art a guide to the perplexed.
Thy instruction sustains us in the hour of trial;
the knowledge of Thy ways enheartens us
in the hour of temptation.
We thank Thee
that Thou hast implanted within us
the desire to know Thee—
to fathom the mysteries of Thy creation—
to understand the world in which we live.
At the beginning of this week, dedicated to education,
we pray Thy guidance, O Father.
Give us ambition
that we may be eager to study and learn.
Give us the desire
to master the knowledge required
to make us competent in our various undertakings.
Make us impatient with half-truths
and intolerant of slip-shod methods.
Give us patience,
that no task, however difficult,
may discourage or dismay us,
and [give us] strength,
that we may hurdle every obstacle in the way before us.
Imbue us with pride
that we halt not
’till the knowledge we are seeking
is truly ours
and the goal which beckons
is finally reached.
And when formal education is completed, O Father,
may we not become complacent and contented.
Rather may each new day find us
adding additional knowledge and information to our stores
and discovering new goals
toward which we may aspire.

“On Education Week” by Rabbi Norman Michael Goldburg, was offered before the California state legislature on 24 April 1933, and published in California Legislature 50th Session 1933: Prayers Offered at the Daily Sessions of the Assembly, pp. 77-78.




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